
A single donation of $300.00 supports one woman’s access to Dress for Success Toronto's range of programs for one year. This includes professional attire for interviews and employment, mentorship coaching, career skills development, and financial literacy programs. 



10,000 + women served

Since 2009, Dress for Success Toronto has served over 10,000 women in Toronto alone. Dress for Success Toronto embodies more than just a suit. Their programs address every phase of a woman’s career and are designed to help woman secure and retain employment. 



Years Serving communities

An investment in Dress for Success Toronto is not just an investment in a woman’s future; it impacts the lives of their children, their families, and our community as a whole. 



Over 1300 Women transitioned

In 2017, Dress for Success Toronto helped 1394 women transition from unemployment to economic independence. Your involvement will enable Dress for Success Toronto to expand our capacity to serve even more women in Toronto.